Tag - trends in real estate

How to improve the comfort of living in a single-family home? 6 ways!
How to improve the comfort of living in a single-family home? 6 ways!

What affects the comfort of living in a single-family home? Learn 6 proven ways to improve your quality of life and enjoy your four corners!

Passive house vs. energy efficient house – what are the differences?
Passive house vs. energy efficient house – what are the differences?

Is a passive house the same as an energy-efficient house? What to choose and what are the trends on the construction market? Check it yourself!

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Laser and plastics – applications in construction
Laser and plastics – applications in construction
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How to Choose the Right Bass Traps for Your Space
How to Choose the Right Bass Traps for Your Space
Bass traps are one of the most important components of any studio or listening room, and choosing the right bass traps can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. There are two main types of bass traps: air and fibreglass.